5/24: Introduction
5/26: Four Step Modeling Process
6/02-6/07: Four Step Modeling Process cont’d
6/07-6/14: Linear Regression I: Four Step Process
06/14: Influential Points
06/16: Regression Inference I
06/18: Regression Inference II
06/21: Transformations
06/23: Multiple Regression Intro
06/28-06/30: Indicators and Nested Tests
06/30-07/02: Multicategory Variables
07/07: Polynomials and Interactions
07/07: Visualizing Two Quantitative Predictor Models (.Rmd, .html)
07/12-07/14: Multicollinearity
07/19: Penalized Fit Measures and Cross-Validation
07/21: Cross-Validation Demo (html, Rmd)
07/26: Logistic Regression I: Interpretation
07/28-08/02: Logistic Regression II: Fitting and Checking Conditions
08/02: Logistic Regression III: Tests and Intervals
08/04: Multiple Logistic Regression I
08/09: Model Selection in Logistic Regression (.Rmd, .html) 08/11: One Way ANOVA
08/16: Familywise Error Rate
08/18: Two Way ANOVA
08/23: Two Way ANOVA with Interaction