STAT 213 (Summer 2021): Approximate Schedule


The following is a tentative schedule of what we will cover in class when. Check this space regularly for updates.
Readings listed should be completed before the start of class on the date indicated.

Last update: 05-25-22

Date Topics Readings Relevant SLOs Assignments
M 5/24 Intro; What is a Model?
W 5/26 The Modeling Process Ch. 0 A1
F 5/28 Lab (on Zoom): Intro to R/RStudio HW1 posted
M 5/31 NO CLASS (Memorial Day)      
W 6/02 The Modeling Process, Cont’d Ch. 0 A1
F 6/04 Lab: Intro to R/Rstudio Continued HW1 due, HW2 posted
M 6/07 Simple Linear Regression (SLR) Ch. 1.1-1.3 A1 Quiz1 posted
W 6/09 SLR: Fit, Assess, Use Ch 1.1-1.3 B1 Quiz1 due
F 6/11 Lab: Simple Linear Regression A1, B1 HW2 due, HW3 posted
M 6/14 Leverage, Outliers, and Transformation Ch. 1.4-1.5 B2 Quiz2 posted
W 6/16 Inference in SLR Models Ch. 2.1-2.3 C1 Quiz2 due
F 6/18 Lab: Transformation and Inference B2,C1,C2 HW3 due, HW4 posted
M 6/21 Multiple Linear Regression Ch. 3.1 A2 Quiz3 posted
W 6/23 Assessing MLR Models Ch. 3.2 B1 Quiz3 due
F 6/25 Lab: Indicator Variables Ch. 3.3 A2 HW4 due, HW5 posted
M 6/28 Indicators, Nested Tests Ch. 3.6 A2,C3,D1 Quiz4 posted
W 6/30 Nested Tests Ch. 4.4 A2 Quiz4 due
F 7/02 Variables with 3+ categories Ch. 4.4 A2 HW5 due
M 7/05 NO CLASS (Independence Day)      
W 7/07 Polynomials and Interactions Ch. 3.4 A3
F 7/09 Lab: Multiple Regression Practice Ch. 3.1-3.4 A2,A3,C3,D1 EXAM1 posted
M 7/12 Multicollinearity Ch. 3.5 B3 EXAM1 due
W 7/14 Multicollinearity, cont’d Ch. 3.5 B3 PROJECT1 posted
F 7/16 Lab: Model Selection Ch. 4.2 D2,D3
M 7/19 Model Selection: Penalized Fit Measures Ch. 4.2 D2,D3 Quiz5 posted
W 7/21 Model Selection: Cross-Validation Ch. 4.2 D2,D3 Quiz5 due
F 7/23 Lab: Logistic Regression Ch. 9.1 E1-E3 PROJECT1 due
M 7/26 Logistic Regression I Ch. 9.1 E1-E3 Quiz6 posted
W 7/28 Logistic Regression II Ch. 9.2 E1-E3 Quiz6 Due
F 7/30 NO CLASS      
M 8/02 Logistic Regression III Ch. 9.3-9.4 E1-E3 HW6 posted
W 8/04 Multiple Logistic Regression Ch. 10.1-10.2 A2,C3,D1
F 8/06 Lab: Multiple Logistic Regression Ch. 10.1-10.2 A2,C3,D1 HW6 due, HW7 posted
M 8/09 Model Selection in Logistic Regression Ch. 10.3-10.4 A2,C3,D1,E1-E3 Quiz7 posted
W 8/11 One-Way ANOVA Ch. 5.1 F1 Quiz7 due
F 8/13 Lab: One-Way ANOVA Ch. 5.1 F1 HW7 due
M 8/16 Multiple Testing and “p-hacking” Ch. 5.1-5.3 F1,F2
W 8/18 Two-Way ANOVA Ch. 6.1 F2 Quiz8 posted, HW8 posted
F 8/20 Lab: Two-Way ANOVA Ch. 6.2-6.3 F1-F5
M 8/23 Wrap-Up Ch. 6.1 F1-F5 Quiz8, HW8 due, Project2/Exam2 posted
Sun 8/29 EXAM OR PROJECT DUE 11AM all EXAM2 or Project2 DUE 11AM