Due Tuesday 9/5
- HW1: ISRS 1.3, 1.7
- Turn in an Rscript (.R file) for Lab 1 to Blackboard
Due Tuesday 9/12
- HW2: ISRS 1.12, 1.17, 1.27, 1.36, 1.37
- Turn in Lab 2 in .Rmd and .pdf (via .html) to Blackboard
Due Tuesday 9/19
- HW3: ISRS 1.18, 150(b), 2.2, 2.6, 2.10
Due Tuesday 9/26
- HW4: Turn in solutions to the problems in the handout here to Blackboard.
- Lab3: “Homework” portion, as .Rmd and .pdf
Due Friday 10/6
- Lab4: “Homework” portion, as .Rmd and .pdf
Due Friday 10/13
- Lab5: “Homework” portion, as .Rmd and .pdf
- HW5: STAT2 0.19, 1.6, 1.8, 1.10, 1.26
- Note: Note: all datasets mentioned in bold in the book are in the
package in R.
Due Tuesday 10/24
- HW6: STAT2 1.30, 2.14, 2.34
- Note: Note: all datasets mentioned in bold in the book are in the
package in R.
Due Friday 10/27
- Mini-Project 0
- Note: I’ve renamed Lab6 to “Mini-Project 0”. You can either think of it as a third mini-project, or as regular lab which acts as a warmup for Mini-Project 1. Accordingly, its grade will be dropped if it would bring down your overall project grade.
Due Tuesday 10/31
- HW7: STAT2 3.6, 3.8, 3.12, 3.16
- Lab7
Due Tuesday 11/7
Due Tuesday 11/14
- HW8: STAT2 3.20, 3.22, 3.30, 4.4, 4.14
Due Tuesday 11/21
- HW9: STAT2 9.6, 9.8, 9.14, problems in this handout
- Mini-Project 1
Due Tuesday 11/28
- HW10:
- 5.14
- 5.22 : In addition to the questions in the book, write down the model in two forms: (1) standard ANOVA form, and (2) standard regression form using binary indicator variables, and interpret the coefficients in each form.
- 5.28
Due Tuesday 12/5
Due Thursday 12/7
- HW11:
- 6.28: In addition to the questions in the book, write down the model in standard ANOVA form and interpret the coefficients.
- 6.14: In addition to the question in the book, fill in a complete ANOVA table and interpret the results (there is no context given for this data, so just interpret it in terms of the factors “Sex” and “Substance”)
In Class (Computer Lab) Friday 12/8
- Exam 2: Covers STAT2 material (Linear and Logistic Regression, ANOVA)
- You will need the computer for part of the exam; bring your laptop if you prefer to use that.
- Part I of the exam will be closed book/notes, except for one double-sided 8 1/2” x 11” handwritten note sheet and a calculator (that is, the same as the first exam).
- For Part II, you may use the course textbooks, and any material previously provided by me for this course, or created by you.
- For Part II, you may use the computer to access the textbooks, R, StatKey, and resources from the course website, but no other online resources. Note, however, that if you rely too heavily on looking things up, you will likely not have time to finish.
Due Saturday 12/17, 7pm
- Final Presentation Slides (get these to me a few hours ahead, please)
- Group Final Project Write-Up