05/24: Introduction
06/03: Graphical Elements
06/08-06/10: Color and Theme
06/15: Version Control
06/24: Five Wrangling Verbs
07/01: Merging Data From Multiple Sources
07/08: Reshaping Data
07/15: Functions and Iteration
07/15: Functions and Iteration Demo (.Rmd, .html)
07/29: SQL Demo
08/10: Clustering
08/12: Dimensionality Reduction
08/17: Text Data
08/19: Spatial Data Demo
11/05: Web Scraping
11/14: Intro to SQL
11/14: SQL Demo Script
11/26: Clustering
11/26-12/3: Dimensionality Reduction
12/03: Text Data and Regular Expressions
12/10: Spatial Data
12/12: Interactive Plots (see code tab)