
So far all of the hypothesis tests we have carried out have involved hypotheses involving a single proportion, generally corresponding to a “long run success rate” for something with two outcomes.

Quite often we have hypotheses that, in one way or another, involve an association between an explanatory and response variable.

Associations between variables can take several forms, depending on the nature of the explanatory and response variables: are they categorical or quantitative?

For now we will only consider binary categorical variables, and we won’t address the case of a quantitative explanatory variable with a categorical response variable (you’ll need to take STAT 213 for that). But the table below summarizes the common parameters of interest for other combinations.

Parameter Type by Type of Explanatory and Response Variable

Explanatory Response Parameter Type
None Binary Single Proportion
None Quantitative Single Mean
Binary Binary Difference of Proportions
Binary Quantitative Difference of Means
Quantitative Quantitative Correlation or Slope

Learning Goals of This Lab

  • Carry out hypothesis tests involving both an explanatory and response variable from start to end, dentifying the components of the test along the way
  • See how to create a randomization distribution, both in StatKey and in R, when the null hypothesis can be seen as saying that there is no association between the variables

Penguins and Metal Bands

Are metal bands harmful to penguins (the kind of metal bands used for tagging wildlife, not the kind that inspires head banging)?

Researchers (Saraux et al., 2011) investigated this question with a sample of 20 penguins near Antarctica. All of these penguins had already been tagged with RFID (radio frequency identification) chips, and the researchers randomly assigned 10 of them to receive a metal band on their flippers in addition to the RFID chip. The other 10 penguins did not receive a metal band.

Researchers then kept track of which penguins survived for the 4.5-year study and which did not survive.

Identifying Components

  1. Identify the explanatory and response variables and classify each as categorical or quantitative.


  1. Why did the researchers include a comparison group in this study? Why not just see how many penguins survived while wearing a metal band?


  1. Is this an observational study or an experiment? Explain how you know.


Setting up the Hypothesis Test

  1. What parameter(s) are of interest, and what is/are the corresponding statistic(s)? (Hint: if you’re not sure you might want to refer to the table in the Overview section above which lists typical parameters/statsitics based on the types of variables we have). Make sure you are clear about the scope (set of cases) that the parameter(s) and statistic(s) characterize.


  1. State the null and alternative hypotheses, first as qualitative (verbal) claims and then as equations/inequalities involving the parameter(s).


  1. List the possible values of the statistic for this study, in order from “most supportive of the alternative hypothesis” to “least supportive of the alternative hypothesis”.


  1. The researchers found that 9 of the 20 penguins survived, of whom 3 had a metal band and 6 did not. Organize these results into the following contingency table.

Results (Real Data)

Outcome No band (control) Metal band (experimental) Total
Survived 6 3 9
Died 4 7 11
Total 10 10 20

  1. Calculate the proportion who survived in each group. Also calculate the difference between these proportions (subtracting the “metal band” proportion from the “control” proportion). This difference is the statistic of interest, and serves as an estimate of the increase in the risk of death resulting from the metal bands.


  1. Did the “metal band” group have a smaller proportion that survived than the control group in this dataset?


  1. Is it possible that this difference could have happened even if the metal band had no effect; that is, simply due simply to the random nature of assigning penguins to groups (i.e., the luck of the draw)?


A Randomization Scheme

In order to assess the strength of the evidence that the difference in the dataset reflects a meaningful difference and not just randomness, we need to ask how unlikely is it that we would see a difference this large purely by chance, if the metal bands are actually harmless?

To answer this question we turn to simulation.

As usual, we simulate outcomes from a process for which the null hypothesis is true; that is, the metal band has no effect on penguin survival.

More precisely, we assume that the 9 penguins that survived would have done so with or without the metal band, and the 11 that did not would not have survived either way.

The random part is which penguins ended up in which group (metal band or no metal band) as a result of random assignment in the experiment.

We can simulate this assignment with a deck of playing cards. Normally we would do this together in person with real, physical cards, but we’ll have to use our imagination.

  1. Suppose you had a standard deck of playing cards. Select a group of cards to represent the penguins in this study. We only need to use the colors of the cards, so ignore the values on the cards. How many cards do we need to represent the penguins in the study? What should the colors represent? How many cards will you use of each color? (Hint: If each card is a penguin, then the color is permanently attached to that penguin. Because we are constructing a simulation based on a process in which the null hypothesis holds, we are assuming that some penguins would have survived regardless of group assignment, and others would not have survived regardless of group assignment.)


  1. Describe how you could use these cards to create one simulated run of the experiment where penguins are randomly assigned into groups.


Simulating Dealing Cards Into Piles

You might have chosen to let red cards represent the penguins who are destined to live, and black cards to represent the penguins that are destined to die, or vice versa. If we go with “red” = “survives” and “black” = “dies”, then we will have 9 red cards and 11 black ones.

Since in the actual study there are 10 penguins in each group (control vs metal band), we could shuffle the 20 cards and deal them into two piles of 10 each. One pile would represent penguins assigned to the control condition, the other would represent penguins assigned to the metal band condition.

Let’s simulate this using R code.

  1. Let’s number the 20 penguin cards from 1 to 20, and let 1-9 represent the “red” cards, which are the penguins “destined” to survive, with 10-20 representing the penguins “destined” not to make it. The code chunk below will generate a list of 10 penguin IDs, randomly assigned to the metal band group. Set the seed to something unique to you and then run the code chunk.


Penguins <- tibble(
    Outcomes   = c(
ShuffledCards <- shuffle(Penguins) %>%
  mutate(AssignedTo = c(rep("Metal", 10), rep("Control", 10)))
head(ShuffledCards, n = 10)
## # A tibble: 10 × 3
##    Outcomes orig.id AssignedTo
##    <chr>    <chr>   <chr>     
##  1 Survived 1       Metal     
##  2 Survived 9       Metal     
##  3 Survived 7       Metal     
##  4 Died     12      Metal     
##  5 Died     17      Metal     
##  6 Died     14      Metal     
##  7 Survived 3       Metal     
##  8 Survived 2       Metal     
##  9 Died     19      Metal     
## 10 Died     11      Metal

  1. Using the assignment of penguins to groups produced above, fill out the following “data frame” table using “M” for “Metal Band” and “C” for “Control”

Results (Randomized Data)

Note: Your results will differ since you set your own random seed. For me, the IDs of the penguins assigned to the metal band group are 1,2,3,7,9,11,12,14,17 and 19. The remaining penguins are assigned to the control group.

Penguin # Group Outcome
1 Survived
2 Survived
3 Survived
4 Survived
5 Survived
6 Survived
7 Survived
8 Survived
9 Survived
10 Died
11 Died
12 Died
13 Died
14 Died
15 Died
16 Died
17 Died
18 Died
19 Died
20 Died

  1. Now, summarize the results above by creating a contingency table like the one from the real data; but this one represents our simulated dataset, generated by a process where the two variables have nothing to do with each other.

Results (Randomized Data)

Outcome No band (control) Metal band (experimental) Total
Survived 9
Died 11
Total 10 10 20

  1. Calculate the proportion who survived in each group in your simulated dataset as generated by a process where the two variables are unrelated. Also calculate the difference between these proportions (subtracting the “metal band” proportion from the “control” proportion). This difference is one instance of the simulated statistic.



Scaling Up the Simulation (StatKey)

  • Go to StatKey and select “Randomization Test For a Difference in Proportions”
  • Select “Edit Data”
  • For “Group 1 count” enter the number of penguins who survived in the control group in the real data
  • For “Group 1 sample size” enter the total number of penguins in the control group in the real data
  • Fill in the corresponding values for Group 2, representing the metal band group.
  • First, click “Generate 1 Sample” to produce a contingency table for one randomization dataset. Verify that the value of the statistic was computed as you computed yours (though the results will differ)
  • Then, generate 10000 randomization datasets
  1. What proportion of the simulated differences in proportions appeared at least as favorable to \(H_1\) as the actual difference in proportion from the real data?


  1. Does the evidence that metal bands reduce penguin survival chances rise to the level of statistical significance at a significance level of 0.05?


Repeating the Simulation in R

Since data with a binary explanatory and binary response variable can be reconstructed with just four numbers, as you did by entering the values in StatKey, you might not always have a full data frame to work with.

The code below builds a data frame in R from those four values.

PenguinData <-
    Group = c(rep("Control", 10), rep("Metal", 10)),
    Outcome = c(rep("Survived", 6), rep("Died", 4), rep("Survived", 3), rep("Died", 7)))

First, let’s graph the proportions who died and survived within each group results using a bar graph:

gf_props(~Outcome | Group, data = PenguinData, fill = ~Outcome)

You should verify that each pair of proportions sums to 1.

To compute the difference in proportions from the real data, we can use diffprop()

sDiffProp <- diffprop(Outcome ~ Group, data = PenguinData)

To construct a randomized dataset based on the H0 that says the two variables are not associated, we can shuffle the order of the entries in the explanatory variable, and compute the difference of proportions based on the new assignment of cases to groups. Doing this several thousand times will produce a randomization distribution

Randomization_DiffProps <- do(5000) *
  diffprop(Outcome ~ shuffle(Group), data = PenguinData)
  1. Graph the diffprop variable in the randomization distribution, and highlight the simulated values that are as or more favorable to \(H_1\) as the result from the real data (the graph should look similar to the one you made in StatKey). The only thing you should need to change is the boundary value of the difference in proportions where the bars change from pink to blue, defined by the value of minimumHighlightedDifference
minimumHighlightedDifference <- 0
## The code below shrinks the boundary value by a tiny amount in case of numerical imprecisions,
## so that exact matches are sure to satisfy the condition
  data     = Randomization_DiffProps,
  fill     = ~(diffprop >= minimumHighlightedDifference * 0.9999),
  binwidth = 0.1,
  xlab     = "Simulated Difference in Survival Proportions (Control Minus Experimental)",
  ylab     = "# of Randomization Datasets") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(-1,1, by = 0.1)) +
    name   = "At least as favorable to H1 as real result?",
    breaks = c(FALSE,TRUE),
    labels = c("No", "Yes"))

  1. To calculate the actual P-value, modify the code below by changing the threshold to which the simulated proportions are being compared (minimumDifferenceCountingForPValue)
minimumDifferenceCountingForPValue <- 0
P_value_Penguins <- prop(~(diffprop >= 0.9999 * minimumDifferenceCountingForPValue), data = Randomization_DiffProps)
  1. Is the evidence of harm statistically significant at the 0.05 significance level?


Testing a Difference of Means: Sleep vs Caffeine for Short-Term Memory

The SleepCaffeine dataset in the Lock5Data package (also available in StatKey as Sleep Caffeine Words) comes from an experiment examining memorization ability for two groups of randomly assigned college students: one group took a 90 minute nap; the other had a pill containing an amount of caffeine comparable to a cup of coffee. The response was the number of words recalled from a list the students were asked to memorize.

  1. Load the data from the Lock5Data package and plot the numbers of words recalled by each individual, grouped by condition.


  1. Carry out a hypothesis test to ask whether there is a difference in average recall ability (as summarized by the mean number of words recalled) between college students who take a 90 minute nap and college students who take a cup of coffee’s worth of caffeine in pill form. State the hypotheses, compute the sample statistic, construct and plot the randomization distribution, compute the \(P\)-value, and interpret the results in context. (Hint: the diffmean() function computes a difference in means between two groups. It has the same syntax as cor() and diffprop()). As with the penguins, the idea behind the randomization procedure is to assume that, if condition and outcome are unrelated, individuals would have recalled however many words they would have recalled, regardless of which treatment group they had been assigned to.
